Area 51 In the Cold War: The True Story
You’ve Heard About Area 51 \
And You Know There Weren’t Any Aliens Hanging Around.\
But What Was REALLY Happening at That Top Secret Location?\
And Why Was the CIA There?\
Ask the Agency’s Man On the Ground\
Area 51 In the Cold War: The True Story\
TD Barnes will provide us with an accurate unclassified insider\'s account of the CIA era at Area 51, a.k.a. Station D, including: \
• The need for an Area 51,\
• Why Nevada was chosen as the location,\
• Why CIA needed to be there,\
• The politics,\
• The challenges,\
• The accomplishments, \
• The spy planes,\
• The development of stealth technology,\
• Soviet MiG exploitation, and\
• The lives lost and family sacrifices.\
TD Barnes grew up on a ranch in New Mexico and attended high school in Oklahoma. He served in US Army intelligence and then worked on radar and surface-to-air missiles. Later he served in Nevada on the NASA High Range during Project X-15 and at Area 51 in the CIA’s Science & Technology Special Projects, working on the CIA\'s Project Oxcart, the Soviet MiG exploitation projects, the development of stealth technology, and other black projects that remain classified today.\
TD serves as the president of Roadrunners Internationale, an association of Area 51 veterans, and as the Nevada Aerospace Hall of Fame founder and Director Emeritus. Two National Geographic Channel documentaries feature him: Area 51 Declassified and CIA—Secrets of Area 51. Numerous documentaries on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Travel Channel, C-Span, and others also feature him, and he is appearing most recently on the Fox Nation episode to be aired August 2021. Barnes is the author of several books, the most recent of which is CIA Station D - Area 51, published by Begell House Publishing. He lives in Henderson, Nevada.\
This is the 50th in a series of presentations sponsored by the Museum featuring eyewitnesses to, and other experts on, significant Cold War-era events and activities. \
- Start:September 19, 2021
- End:September 19, 2021
- Where:Washington, 1779 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, District of Columbia, United States, 20036
- Phone:N/A
- Event Type: Other
- Ticket Price:N/A