LVRSA Ledos Fundraiser
LVRSA Ledos Fundraiser
The Leonardtown Volunteer Rescue Squad Auxiliary is hosting a fundraiser at the Ledos Restaurant in Leonardtown MD from 4-8pm. You can call ahead for take-out at 301-475-9280 or dine-in for some delicious food and support our fundraiser. Please be sure to let your server/cashier know you are there to support the LVRSA fundraiser so we can get credit for your purchase. Thank you!
- Start:September 01, 2021
- End:September 01, 2021
- Where:Ledo Pizza, 25460 Point Lookout Road,, Not found, Not found, Not found, 20650
- Phone:N/A
- Event Type: Other
- Ticket Price:N/A