LIVE COMEDY GAME SHOW: "Wrong Answers Only" @ The DC Improv [Sunday Sept 12th 7pm]
We're back with another show from DC's only comedic secret society (that is entirely open to the public). The Midnight Gardeners serve up off-the-wall satire, combining sketch comedy, improv and stand-up to tackle pop culture in a way you won't forget. In the past they've brought us an induction ceremony for the Soft Rock Hall of Fame, a takedown of celebrity chefs, a talk show for the ages and a hillbilly hoedown. This September it's "Wrong Answers Only," a comedy game show.
- Start:September 12, 2021
- End:September 12, 2021
- Where:DC Improv Comedy Club, 1140 Connecticut Avenue Northwest,, Not found, Not found, Not found, 20036
- Phone:N/A
- Event Type: Other
- Ticket Price:N/A