Centreville Day 2021
The 29th annual Centreville Day 2021 is Saturday, October 16, 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, at the corners of Braddock and Mt. Gilead Roads. Free community event. Entertainment, food, crafts, vendors, historic locations, parade, children\'s rides and games, Cavalcade of Pets, Safety Expo. Great day for families. Shuttle service provided at Carrabba\'s on Rt. 29. Spaces still available for vendors and sponsorships. For more information and forms, please go to www.centrevilleday.org.
- Start:October 16, 2021
- End:October 16, 2021
- Where:Historic Centreville Park, 5714 Mount Gilead Road,, Fairfax County, Virginia, United States, 20120
- Phone:N/A
- Event Type: Other
- Ticket Price:N/A