Assistance League 2021 White House Ornament Fundraiser
Assistance League is again selling While House Ornaments designed each year by the White House Historical Association. White House Ornaments are a wonderful gift for friends or business contacts. This year\'s ornament highlights Lyndon Johnson, featuring a painting of the 1967 Blue Room Christmas Tree on one side and a quote from President Johnson on the other: \"Our mission is at once the oldest and most basic of this country: to right wrong, to do justice and to serve man.\" All proceeds support Assistance League\'s programs to provide food, clothing, books and reading assistance to students at local elementary schools. The cost is $22 per ornament; out of area shipping is extra. Visit to order or contact for additional information.
- Start:October 15, 2021
- End:October 15, 2021
- Where:Fairfax County, Fairfax County,, Fairfax County, Virginia, United States, 22182
- Phone:N/A
- Event Type: Other
- Ticket Price:N/A